How to Help Your Man Step Into His Masculine Energy (By You Stepping Into Your Feminine Energy)

by Sep 7, 2024Blog

Ladies, let’s be real for a second. We all want our men to step up, embrace their masculine energy, and confidently lead in the relationship. But here’s the catch: while we’re waiting for them to transform into the warrior kings we know they can be, we might just be unintentionally stepping on their toes. That’s right—sometimes the best way to help your man step into his masculine energy is by stepping fully into your feminine energy. Think of it as a beautiful dance, where both partners need to find their rhythm. And yes, there will be some twirls, spins, and maybe even a few trips along the way. Let’s dive in!

1. Let Him Open the Pickle Jar (Seriously)

There’s nothing more frustrating to a man than when he sees you struggling with something he could help with, but you’re too busy saying, “I got it.” Yes, you can open that pickle jar with your sheer determination and maybe a kitchen towel, but sometimes, stepping into your feminine energy means allowing your man to come to the rescue. Let him feel needed—it’s a small win, but those wins add up.

Scripture: “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
(Let him lift the heavy stuff. It’s a biblical principle. Plus, he’ll feel like a superhero. Win-win.)

2. Let Him Lead, But Not Off a Cliff

Okay, so you want him to step up and lead, but maybe he’s not quite ready to be Moses leading the Israelites through the wilderness. Give him space to make decisions, even if they’re small at first. Let him choose the restaurant (even if it’s pizza again), plan the date night, or take charge of that home project. But if he’s leading you into, let’s say, painting the living room neon green—gently guide him back to safety.

Scripture: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:22)
(Translation: Let him lead, but you’re still allowed to veto questionable home decor decisions.)

3. Don’t Fix Everything (Including Him)

Ladies, we have a natural gift for seeing what needs to be fixed—whether it’s the crooked picture frame on the wall or the not-so-perfect ways our man handles things. But stepping into your feminine energy sometimes means resisting the urge to fix everything. Let him figure it out on his own (even if it takes him five tries). You might be surprised at how capable he is when you step back and let him take charge.

Scripture: “It is better to live in a corner of the roof than in a house shared with a contentious woman.” (Proverbs 21:9)
(In other words: Save the “I told you so” for another day. Or better yet, don’t say it at all.)

4. Be His Cheerleader, Not His Coach

There’s a difference between offering encouragement and offering unsolicited advice (which, let’s face it, sometimes comes across as criticism). Cheer him on when he tackles something new, whether it’s fixing the car or navigating a tough situation at work. He doesn’t need a play-by-play of what he should have done differently—he just needs to know you’ve got his back and believe in him.

Scripture: “Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
(Be his biggest fan. And maybe save the coaching tips for your girlfriends.)

5. Be Soft, But Not a Doormat

There’s something incredibly powerful about softness—it’s what makes feminine energy so magnetic. But being soft doesn’t mean letting him walk all over you. Softness is about responding with grace and patience, even when he’s being a little… well, less-than-perfect. It’s about creating a space where he feels safe to step into his strength, without feeling like he’s constantly under scrutiny.

Scripture: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1)
(So when he leaves his socks on the floor for the 100th time, respond with gentleness… and maybe a gentle reminder of where the hamper is.)

6. Don’t Micromanage—He’s Got This (Probably)

If you’re constantly telling him how to do things, it can make him feel like he’s being mothered rather than respected. Yes, you may know a “better” way to load the dishwasher, but sometimes it’s okay to let him do it his way (even if it means reloading it after he’s not looking). Letting go of control gives him space to step into his own power and grow into his masculine energy.

Scripture: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)
(Translation: You don’t want to be micromanaged, and neither does he. Even if his way is, um, creative.)

7. Embrace Vulnerability—It’s Attractive

Stepping into your feminine energy means allowing yourself to be vulnerable. It’s okay to share your feelings and express your needs without feeling like you have to be tough all the time. Vulnerability invites your man to step into his protective and nurturing side, which helps him embrace his masculine energy. Plus, it’s kind of adorable when he goes into “fix-it” mode because he wants to make everything better for you.

Scripture: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
(Vulnerability isn’t weakness—it’s strength in disguise. And it’s biblical!)

8. Give Him Space to Solve Problems

Here’s a fun fact: men like to solve problems. If you bring him a dilemma, he’s going to want to find a solution. So, instead of giving him a five-step plan on how you would fix it, let him take the lead and come up with a solution himself. Even if his solution involves duct tape and a YouTube tutorial, let him try. It’s part of stepping into his masculine energy—and yes, it might just work!

Scripture: “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” (Proverbs 15:22)
(You’re allowed to be one of those advisers—just let him lead the brainstorming session.)

9. Compliment His Strengths (Even When It’s Not Obvious)

Men thrive on affirmation, especially when it comes from the woman they love. If you want your man to step more fully into his masculine energy, start by recognizing and complimenting the strengths he already has. Whether it’s his work ethic, his protectiveness, or even his ability to make you laugh—let him know that you see and appreciate him.

Scripture: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
(Yes, I used this one before, but it’s that important. Build him up—he’s your guy, after all!)

10. Have Fun and Be Playful

Feminine energy is light, playful, and fun. Don’t be afraid to let your playful side show, whether it’s through laughter, flirting, or just enjoying each other’s company. When you bring that joyful, feminine energy into your relationship, it creates space for him to relax and enjoy his own masculine energy, too. Plus, life’s too short to be serious all the time—so embrace the fun moments together.

Scripture: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22)
(Bring the joy, and let your relationship be full of laughter and light-hearted moments.)

Helping your man step into his masculine energy isn’t about pushing or pressuring him. It’s about creating a space where he feels empowered to take the lead, solve problems, and grow into his God-given role. And the best way to do that? By embracing your own feminine energy—whether that means letting him open the pickle jar, cheering him on, or just laughing together through life’s ups and downs. After all, God designed men and women to complement each other, so when you both step into your true selves, it’s a beautiful dance that glorifies Him.

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