Women Empowerment vs. Godly Feminine Womanhood: What’s the Difference?

by Sep 14, 2024Blog

Alright ladies, let’s talk about something that’s buzzing everywhere—women empowerment. It’s on our social media feeds, in the workplace, and honestly, at every brunch table conversation (right next to the avocado toast). But have you ever stopped and thought, “Wait, how does this empowerment thing fit into my walk as a Christian woman? Am I missing something?”

Well, let me tell you, you’re not alone! The line between modern women empowerment and godly feminine womanhood can sometimes feel as blurry as my vision without contacts. So let’s break it down.

Women Empowerment: All About “Me” Power

First off, let’s tackle the concept of women empowerment. The world tells us it’s all about seizing power, independence, and being a total #BossBabe. I mean, who doesn’t want to feel like Beyoncé on a good hair day, right? Statistically, women today hold over 50% of managerial positions, and we’re earning college degrees at higher rates than men (go us!). But the world’s message often tells us that empowerment is rooted in self—your success, your rights, your goals.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to see women thriving. But if it’s all about me, me, me… something starts to feel off. After a while, you might feel like you’re chasing an empty victory. It’s like getting to the top of a mountain only to realize the view isn’t as grand as you thought. Been there?

Godly Feminine Womanhood: The Power of Purpose

Now, let’s look at what Godly feminine womanhood looks like. It’s not about ruling the world or achieving “queen” status. It’s about something so much deeper: purpose. Godly femininity celebrates the unique way we, as women, were designed by God to reflect His character. We’re nurturers, life-givers, and encouragers. And no, this doesn’t mean we’re “less than” or weaker than men. Quite the opposite! Proverbs 31:25 says it best, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”

Notice how it’s not about dominating or asserting power. It’s about being clothed with strength and dignity. Feminine power in God’s kingdom doesn’t come from how loud we shout or how much we achieve. It comes from who we are in Christ.

The Key Differences

So, what’s the main difference between modern women empowerment and Godly feminine womanhood? Here’s the kicker: the source of our power and identity. Women empowerment puts the focus on self, while Godly femininity focuses on God’s design for us as women. One says, “You don’t need anyone,” while the other says, “You were created with a purpose, and God’s got your back.”

Statistically speaking, a recent study showed that women who focus on faith-based values report higher levels of life satisfaction than those who don’t. It turns out, the more we lean into God’s design for our lives, the more fulfilled we feel (who knew, right?).

Finding Fulfillment in Godly Femininity

For me, there was a time when I bought into the “you-can-do-it-all” mentality. And let me tell you, I was exhausted. Trying to juggle career, relationships, and personal success while also keeping my faith felt like spinning plates on a windy day. Spoiler alert: some of them crashed.

It wasn’t until I embraced Godly feminine womanhood that things began to change. I learned that my worth wasn’t in how much I achieved, but in who God says I am. And that freedom? Girl, it’s the kind that makes you want to throw off your shoes and dance in the rain (with or without the umbrella).

Wrapping It Up

Empowerment in the world’s sense will tell you to strive for control, independence, and power. But true empowerment, in the form of Godly feminine womanhood, reminds you that your strength comes from God. It’s not about ruling over others; it’s about serving with purpose, nurturing with love, and living out the unique beauty that God has placed inside you.

So, if you’ve been on that treadmill of striving for success, popularity, or independence and feel like you’re not getting anywhere—maybe it’s time to step off and ask, “What does God want for my life?” You might just find that Godly femininity offers the peace and purpose you’ve been craving all along.

So how do I start?

Ready to discover how embracing God’s design for womanhood can transform your life? I’m offering a FREE courtesy call to help you explore how to align your life with His purpose and unlock the true power of Godly femininity. Whether you’re struggling with balancing career and faith or simply want to connect deeper with who God made you to be, let’s chat! Click here to schedule your free call and take the first step toward living in His divine design. I can’t wait to connect with you, sister!

About Verniece