Taking One Day at a Time: The Journey as a Young Christian Woman

by Jun 22, 2024Blog2 comments

As a young Christian woman, I often find myself overwhelmed by the demands and uncertainties of life. The pressure to excel in my studies, maintain relationships, and grow spiritually can sometimes feel like too much to handle. But through my journey, I’ve learned the importance of taking one day at a time, relying on God’s grace and strength to navigate each moment. Here’s how I’ve embraced this approach, how it has transformed my life, and could help you too…

Starting the Day with God

Each morning, I start my day with quiet time in prayer and Bible study. This practice centers me and reminds me that God is in control. In my quiet time, I will take the Bible and ask the Father what He wants me to know for that day. I let Him control those moments to bring me to passages in the Bible. One of my favorite verses is Lamentations 3:22-23, which reminds me that God’s mercies are new every morning. This promise helps me approach each day with hope and gratitude.

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentation 3:22-23)

Prioritizing What Matters

With so many tasks and commitments, it’s easy to get lost in the chaos. I’ve learned to prioritize my day by focusing on what truly matters. I make a list of essential tasks and tackle them one at a time, trusting that God will help me accomplish what’s necessary. This doesn’t mean I always get everything done, but it does mean that I’m intentional about my time and energy.

Practicing Mindfulness

Living in the moment has been a game-changer for me. Instead of worrying about tomorrow or dwelling on the past, I strive to be present in each moment. Whether I’m studying, spending time with friends, or enjoying a quiet evening, I focus on being fully engaged. This mindfulness helps me appreciate the blessings of today and reduces the anxiety of what’s to come.

““Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:25-34)

Leaning on My Support System

I’m blessed to have a supportive community of family, friends, and church members. They encourage me, pray with me, and remind me of God’s faithfulness. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I reach out to them for support. Their wisdom and love help me keep perspective and remember that I’m not alone in my journey.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Letting Go of Perfection

One of the biggest lessons (that I am still learning!) is to let go of the need to be perfect. As a young Christian woman, I sometimes feel like I have to have it all together. But I’ve realized that it’s okay to make mistakes and have bad days. God’s grace covers my imperfections, and He is strong in my weaknesses. Embracing my humanity allows me to experience His love and grace more deeply.

Ending the Day with Gratitude

At the end of each day, I take a few moments to reflect and give thanks. I write down a few things I’m grateful for in a journal, which helps me see God’s hand in my life. If you do not have a journal, I highly highly recommend it. It helps me let out emotions and let’s me reflect back on my life. I encourage every woman to have a journal for themselves. Sometimes there are things you can’t share with others, but you can share them with God and writing it down definitely helps. This practice shifts my focus from what went wrong to what went right and fills my heart with peace and contentment.

Taking one day at a time

as a young Christian woman isn’t always easy, but it’s a journey worth embracing. By starting my day with God, prioritizing what matters, letting go of perfection, and ending the day with gratitude, God helps me feel a sense of peace and purpose. Each day is a gift from God, filled with new opportunities and His unfailing love. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I encourage you to take a deep breath, trust in God’s plan, embrace each day with faith and grace, and use some of these tips and tools to navigate this journey one day at a time. 😉

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today”. (Matthew 6:34)

About Verniece


  1. Chloe

    I really enjoy reading your new blog posts being a young Christian woman myself it always helps me. I definitely need to invest in a journal and make notes I have so many notebooks but I need one for my journey with God. I have loads of notebooks from my baptism that I haven’t even used. I think starting your day with God is such a great idea and I need to do that!

    • Verniece Miller

      Starting your day with God is essential! It is important to always be in the right mindset at the beginning of the day