Your Season of Waiting and Reflecting

by May 18, 2024Blog2 comments

I have been going through A LOT in 2024. I knew 2024 was going to be a significant year for all of us, but I didn’t know how much it was going to affect us on a personal level. I have been dealing with some personal things in my marriage that I hope I can share one day, God willing. 

The main thing I wanted to talk about was the current season we are in. I know this won’t be for everyone, but I know a lot of us are in our season of waiting. 

It is hard to be in the waiting season of our lives. Especially when we want answers yesterday. One of my favorite quotes from the song, “You know better than I” is this:

“But maybe knowing what I don’t know is part of getting through.”

This quote reminds us that we are mere humans, and we don’t get to know everything God has in store for us. He knows better than us. He knows what is best for you. Part of getting through this time in your life is learning how to trust in God. And that’s something you have to be ok with.

“Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.” (Psalm 33:20-22)

Waiting for God to open the door, make something new, waiting for Him to bring forth something in our lives that we have been praying for, etc. The list goes on. Sitting back and being in this moment gives us time to reflect on many things. 

Is God trying to teach me something? 

I encourage you to use your time wisely, like using this time for meditation or getting to know God and His love on a deeper and more personal level. Do not waste this waiting season on worry or someone else but rather, focus on you! 

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

In my current waiting season, I am using this time to clean up my act, clean up my businesses, and clean up my relationship with God. The Father has shown me that I had not been putting Him first lately, and He is now forcing me to use this time to better understand Him and His ways so that He can open the door for the next chapter in my life. 

All I want for you is to know that He is doing the same for you in your season. He is waiting for all of us to come to an understanding and reflection so that He may bless us. How can we receive His blessing when we lack the maturity to take it and not squander it?

“Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.” (Isaiah 30:18)

About Verniece


  1. Chloe

    I am definitely in a waiting season and I am just giving it all to God because I’ve been shown I can no longer do it myself.

    • Verniece

      Hey Chloe!

      We are all being tested right now that’s for sure. I heard my pastor say that things are getting heated. Everyone at church seemed to have something on thier mind. All we can do is give it to God because it is part of HIS plan. One of my favorite songs has this verse:
      “Farther along we’ll know more about it,
      Farther along we’ll understand why;
      Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine,
      We’ll understand it all by and by.”