Right now everything seems quiet. We still hear wars and rumor of wars and the world is still running on chaos, but the devil is almost calm. Maybe we have all gotten dulled down to the profane things, that now the things that would alarm us mean nothing for our reality. Hence, chaos is the new reality.
And what does this mean?
This zombie tranquility we have gotten used to means that we have been brainwashed, and are more likely to conform to keep our “fake tranquility” and peace. The American people have gotten so used to political and social corruption that even if a scandal were announced there would be no justice and no uproar. People are more likely to moan and groan about their opposing opinions on a TV show verses the scandals in Washington. No one cares about the morality of the government because both sides can agree on one thing, and that is there is no use in resilience (currently). The conservatives had their moment on January 6th to take a stand, but failed and wasted their opportunity to voice their opinion to the opposing side and to the rest of the world.
The conservatives are a complete laughing stock and now have humbly taken a step back and quieted their opinions. We can truly say that both sides are conforming to the regulations and rules of the government because there is no use in rebellion.
Now humanity has taken its option of withdrawal. People are tired. Fighting back takes energy and money, something we must conserve as the war is not over. The enemy is currently pecking at the nerves of God’s children to keep the ball rolling and keep his plan in motion.
But remember brothers, “For when they say peace and safety; then sudden destruction will come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:3 & 6).