We The People: The Children of God

by Jun 9, 2020Blog, Uncategorized

the constitution

My fellow Americans and people of the world, it is important to realize that each one of us are children of God.

The words, “We the People” is a bold statement. It makes a statement that people of the world are the rulers of their lives in every circumstance; whether their well-being is affected by governments or by their personal circumstances. It makes a statement that each person is their own individual with certain rights that are endowed by the creator.

The Pilgrims are the prime example that Colonial America was established on a religious foundation. Yes, we understand there were others before the Pilgrims, like the Native Americans, the Vikings, etc. But it was the Pilgrims that came to this land to establish justice in their religious reform. The Pilgrims set the foundation of the establishment that led to Colonial America and eventually the United States. As Colonial America continued to grow, the founding fathers understood that the freedom they felt in the North American land was a blessing from Providence, and knew that no man had the right to take it away. For if we are all equal and I am of the same dust as you, the rights we are granted are not from you. Rather, from something higher and thus makes these rights virtuous and sacred.

The United States of America is proof that with God at your side, there is nothing you can’t do, nothing you can’t accomplish. It is an example to the world that if each individual joined together under the leadership of Jesus Christ our world, our humanity, our abundance would be joined together in the never ending flowing river of love and tranquility. If we lay down our burdens, our hates, and come together in Christ we will become more accepting and will find there is no need for material goods. One might pray differently, look differently, speak differently, but if each of us have the same Truth in our hearts, our struggles will be no more.

As we the people understand the blessings from God and the rights from God; abundance, joy, and virtue will prosper in all the land. It is only when we as a nation, as a community of people begin to stray from God and His way of life do we fall into damnation, continual sin, and require discipline.

As each individual realizes their full potential in Christ, each individual will understand that the world is laid out in front of them to cultivate and embrace alongside their brothers and sisters. The cultivation and embrace of life then produces to form the more perfect union under the grace and divinity of God.

Let us embrace our natural rights and freedom that is found in Christ. Let us thank God above for the fruit of the earth and the blessings of brotherhood in Him.

About Verniece